The Last Maestro™ is a groundbreaking, deeply immersive, gesture-controlled virtual reality (VR) platform that merges music, movement, and visuals to provide an emotionally compelling & healing therapeutic experience.
Each experience takes 3 to 6 minutes to complete and can be offered in conjunction with other clinical or outreach services already being given. Multiple experiences are provided with our subscription, as well as access to additional titles whenever they are released.
Our vision is to link biometrics with our headset data to provide players & clinicians real time analytics for their review.

Our technology offers a way for personnel and their family members to reset their parasympathetic nervous system before, during, or after any stressful event. The system can be used without having to interact with another individual, so no human interaction is required.
The system is user-driven and self-contained, so it can be stored and used virtually anywhere indoors[1].
Our Product & Services
HTC VIVE Focus 3 Virtual Reality (VR) Headset and 2 Hand Controllers [2].
The Last Maestro™ Gaming Platform.
24 month limited warranty for hardware[3] and software provided.
24 month subscription to The Last Maestro™ content library with automatic updating[4].
(Coming Soon) Biometrics support that will allow users to measure impact of The Last Maestro™.
(Coming Soon) Data Services support that will allow users to see gaming and biometric data over time[5].
Please contact info@maestrogames.com for details on availability, additional accessory options, and costs.
Product Number: TLMVIVEF32022
[1] Maestro Games recommends that users be seated or standing with a 5’ radius around them free of obstructions.
[2] Please see HTC VIVE Focus 3 Technical Specs for details.
[3] Please see VIVE Business Services document PDF for details.
[4] Requires an active Internet connection.
[5] Requires an active Internet connection.